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Please remember to renew your subscription for our next membership year by the end of May. The 2021/22 subscription is £10 for an individual with email newsletter (or £18 if you want a printed newsletter). For two people at the same address the rate is £20 with email newsletter (or £28 to include one printed newsletter).
There are no renewal forms to complete, but please let me know of any changes in personal contact details by phone (see committee list) or at .
You have a choice of ways to pay. Either send a cheque (made out to Minehead & District u3a) to Nic Pettit, Treasurer, 81 Parkhouse Road, Minehead TA24 8AE or – preferably– pay online to our TSB account, sort code 30-95-66, account number 24579768, using your membership name(s) as the reference.