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Dave writes…
I was born in Surrey, where I lived until my mid-twenties. During my schooldays there my father decided that our family would build a house. And we did, although it took us four years, and I failed my A-levels first time round: too busy bricklaying! However, I made up for that the next year by passing five A-levels in science and maths, before taking up a research job with BP. I also studied part-time at what is now Kingston University, where I qualified as a graduate of the Royal Institute of Chemistry. I stayed with BP for 28 years until, at nearly 50, I joined a firm of project consultants, and later worked for London Underground.
On my retirement Jan and I did a three-month house swap in Western Australia, a wonderful trip that inspired our plans for retirement travelling. Back home, we decided to move from the St Albans area to Watchet: that was 15 years ago, and we loved living here. Our retirement travels included a trip to the Galapagos Islands, a cruise visiting Antarctica, three months on the US Eastern seaboard, three weeks ‘doing’ seven national parks in the south-west USA and a coach tour of New Zealand. We loved pretty well every minute!
Overall we had a rich and varied 25 years together until Jan’s death from pancreatic cancer two years ago. Jan had a son, while I have a son and daughter plus three grandchildren.
My activities are varied and at times demanding. I volunteered for the WSR, initially at Minehead, but later as Watchet’s Station Master. I helped for a time at the West Somerset Advice Bureau and in the RNLI shop in Minehead, and am also an active member of Watchet Conservation Society. My interests include photography and I have an allotment – both through u3a. I belong to three choirs and an art group – both of these being interests I’ve quite recently taken up. No doubt other interests will come along: for instance, play reading ‘feels’ interesting…