To be a Convenor, you do not need to be an expert. Whatever your group’s subject, interest and enthusiasm are the keys to success, with shared learning and member participation being the aim. Some groups need a more pro-active response from members than others, but the Convenor is never expected to be a teacher or lecturer.
Help for Convenors is available from the Convenors Co-ordinator, Helen Sellings. You can contact her on 01643 703729 or . She is not there to dictate how to run your group, but to offer advice or guidance if you ask. Other Convenors too have a wealth of knowledge which you can tap into.
Depending how many members your group attracts, you will need to think about where to meet: in members’ homes (the same host each time or taking it in turns), or in a hired room; or if your meetings will consist of visits to places of interest. If you organise outings, you should remind members that they have a personal responsibility for their own health and safety. Full details of U3A cover and procedure are within this document, should any member or guest ask to see them.
You will also need to decide how often you want to meet. Most of our groups meet once or twice a month, but this is entirely up to you.
Nominating a Deputy
Once your group is up and running, we recommend nominating a deputy to help you and to cover for you if, for any reason, you are unable to attend a meeting. We advise that your deputy keep a backup list of contact details of all the members in your group so that they can be contacted should the need arise, e.g. to suddenly cancel meetings. Please send the name and contact details of your nominated deputy to Helen Sellings, the Convenors Co-ordinator.