As provided by National Office.
Role summary
- To provide inclusive and democratic leadership of the Board of Trustees (the committee).
- To ensure the committee fulfils its responsibilities for the overall governance, strategic direction, financial stability, administration, and sustainability of the U3A.
- To ensure the U3A applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects/purposes, abides by its governing document (the constitution), and complies with charity law and other relevant legislation.
- To ensure the U3A upholds the guiding principles.
- To oversee adherence to the terms and conditions of affiliation to the Third Age Trust.
- To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the U3A.
- To safeguard the good name and values of the U3A organisation.
Main responsibilities
Please note:
- The specific tasks listed below are in addition to the statutory requirements and responsibilities of Trustees of charitable organisations in the UK as laid down by the relevant regulatory bodies.
- Some U3As may decide to delegate some of these tasks to other members of the committee e.g. the Business Secretary.
Committee Meetings
- To plan the meeting agenda in advance with the Business Secretary and agree on any papers to be circulated with it.
- To chair committee meetings ensuring that:
- the meeting starts and ends on time.
- all necessary business is covered.
- discussions involve everybody and are not dominated by a few people.
- discussions remain focussed on the stated agenda items.
- clear decisions are reached following a unanimous or majority vote of the committee.
- a timetable for implementation of actions/decisions is agreed.
- To be impartial and encourage objectivity in decision-making.
- To encourage all members to put forward new ideas and initiatives for discussion.
- To provide a casting vote in the event of an equal split.
- To agree the annual cycle of dates for committee meetings.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- To write a Chair’s report for the Annual Report and Accounts and ensure the final draft of the Annual Report is presented to the committee for approval in good time prior to the AGM.
- To chair the AGM ensuring that the business of the meeting is conducted according to laid-down procedures and any existing standing orders.
- To arrange an induction for newly elected Trustees so they start with a sound knowledge base.
- To ensure the bank signature mandate is updated as required.
- To ensure the committee complies with its constitution and remains focussed on the U3A’s stated charitable objects/purposes and its aims.
- To facilitate the committee to determine the strategic direction and short and long term aims of the U3A, set its policies, define its goals, set targets and evaluate performance.
- To ensure the U3A applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects/purposes.
- To ensure that the U3A abides by the guiding principles and ethos of the U3A movement.
- To protect and manage any property and assets belonging to the U3A.
- To ensure that all Trustees clearly understand their duties and responsibilities and can make best use of their particular skills so they can become fully engaged and involved.
- To ensure all board decisions are implemented in a timely manner.
- To ensure that the committee reviews activities once they have taken place, to highlight what if anything can be learned and improved.
- To develop a strong team ethos within the board and maintain positive working relationships dealing with any conflicts which arise quickly and constructively.
- To encourage the committee to review its own effectiveness and consider whether individual roles can be better organised and/or distributed.
- To ensure the committee reviews risks on a regular basis and puts measures in place to mitigate any which are identified.
- To discuss succession planning and ways of encouraging members to volunteer for the committee.
- To ensure the committee agrees and regularly reviews an appropriate level of reserves and where funds should be placed.
- To ensure financial transparency through detailed disclosure of financial information to the committee.
- To be constantly aware of the financial position of the U3A through regular communication with the Treasurer.
U3A Members
- To ensure the U3A has maximum impact for its members.
- To ensure new members are welcomed and supported and understand the ethos and self-help nature of the organisation.
- To ensure that all possible methods are used to achieve the best level of communication possible between the committee and the members.
- To establish a procedure for members to provide feedback, raise issues and suggest new initiatives to be brought before the committee for discussion.
- To ensure all volunteers feel valued and supported.
- To ensure that the committee regularly reviews its structure, ways of working and relationship with the membership.
- To attend U3A functions and host monthly meetings as required.
External contacts
- To liaise with local organisations and to be the first point of contact.
- To attend network, regional and national meetings as appropriate.
- To be a spokesperson and an ambassador for the U3A ensuring that the local community is aware of what the U3A is and does.
- To represent the U3A at external functions, meetings and events.
On completion
- To carry out a comprehensive handover to the new Chair.